You Don’t Have To Be Ashamed
CHAPTER 9: FILTHY ichigonya CHAPTER 9: FILTHY ichigonya

You Don’t Have To Be Ashamed

It's taken a very long time for me to be comfortable with the act of sexual intimacy. I'm on the asexual spectrum, and sex has never been at the forefront of what I value the most in a relationship. It has never been a dealbreaker for me in any way, and lack of sex to me does not signify a failing relationship. But not all of that disregard is rooted in me being ace. A small part of it is due to learned – or taught to be more precise – patterns of thinking. 

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CHAPTER 9: FILTHY ichigonya CHAPTER 9: FILTHY ichigonya


 When I first came out to my parents, I was 16 years old and I told them I identified as bisexual. My father didn't react in any particular way, but my mother said something immediately those words had left my lips:

"I thought you were a full-gay!"

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Life Update: Farewell, DBT
LIFE UPDATE ichigonya LIFE UPDATE ichigonya

Life Update: Farewell, DBT

 It feels completely unreal that 18 weeks has already passed. 18 weeks since I started going to DBT sessions, 18 weeks since my treatment actually took off. At the beginning, it felt like such a long time, and I was wondering if I'd even be able to concentrate on therapy for so long and so intensely. But now, those 18 weeks have gone by, and I had my last session on Thursday. 

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Learning To Accept The Role Of A Victim
CHAPTER 1: BLAME ichigonya CHAPTER 1: BLAME ichigonya

Learning To Accept The Role Of A Victim

 It took me a really long time to figure out what was wrong with me. For several years, I've had a constant nagging feeling that something's bothering me, something's hurting me, but it was really hard to pinpoint the origin of that feeling or what it even meant. Since the year 2017, I've experienced a variation of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and unexplainable terror. I tried thinking back on my past and figure out of that had anything to do with the way I was feeling, but I wasn't able to make a connection between the two for one very specific reason.

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