Question: Advocacy
CHAPTER 10: CENSOR ichigonya CHAPTER 10: CENSOR ichigonya

Question: Advocacy

You can’t deny the fact that social media has changed a lot of things in our everyday lives, even if you personally don’t use it all that much. Social media has changed the way we communicate with each other, what we deem as appropriate to share with our loved ones – and total strangers. It is merely a matter of perspective how you see the change in relation to what used to be, to pre-social media times: is it a good or a bad thing to you can vary a lot based on your personal life experiences, such as the generation you were born into. Gen Z’ers tend to see social media in a more positive light than baby boomers, and the reasons for that are pretty self-explanatory. 

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Mental Health Aesthetics
CHAPTER 10: CENSOR ichigonya CHAPTER 10: CENSOR ichigonya

Mental Health Aesthetics

One of the greatest things about the internet is the community factor. No matter how cliched it sounds, I’ve never been part of a community of like-minded individuals – or at the very least I’ve never felt particularly welcomed in these spaces. So as is the case for a lot of people with similar background to mine, I’ve found community in the online world. Born in the first year of the new millennium, some of my earliest memories of being on the internet include chatting with my friends on Windows MSN and playing various games that typically had message forums attached to them. These MMOG’s were my second home as a Kid, as from there I found some resemblance of a group I could feel a type of connection to. 

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 The days go by, one after the other, and you can't recognize the passage of time anymore. Until one morning, after breakfast, your nurse steps into your room. 

"The doctor wants to see you today after lunch. He's assessing your current status and whether you can be discharged soon."

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