"Why is my story not as important as somebody else's? Why are my experiences not worthy of your attention and care, simply for the context they happened in? Why does it matter to you who my abusers were, in order for you to take me seriously? The damage my nervous system has sustained should be enough of evidence for you to give a shit. The multitude of health complications and disorders I am now experiencing as a result of my past is all that should matter. But why do you ALWAYS turn up your nose in distaste when you hear that one word? Why do you accuse the Kid of lying to you when she is clearly in distress? Because you didn't see anything? But the aftermath is staring at you right in the face! The aftermath is standing in front of you, with her face stained with black tears and skin littered with scar tissue. But still, that is not enough for you – you should have been there to see it happen in real time. But would even that have given you enough of a reason to stop it from happening? Something tells me I shouldn't be too sure about that."