Life Update: (Un)lucky Year
Happy, New Year, friends. I hope you enjoyed the holiday season, and that the upcoming year treats you kindly. For me, the past few weeks of holiday after holiday was not as enjoyable as it once was; I was straight up just Not Having a Good Time. But the new year is finally here, and we all know what that means:
New Year, new shenanigans, as we Finns like to say.
Life Update: New Winds
It’s been a while since I’ve made one of these Life Update posts, and I thought what better timing to bring them back than the start of a new era. This article is simultaneously the first being published on the now-finalized homepage of the art project, and the very last post you will be able to view on the original Blogger blog. After this point, we are saying final goodbyes to the starting point, and smelling the fresh air of the new winds, as we Finns like to say from time to time.
Life Update: Farewell, DBT
It feels completely unreal that 18 weeks has already passed. 18 weeks since I started going to DBT sessions, 18 weeks since my treatment actually took off. At the beginning, it felt like such a long time, and I was wondering if I'd even be able to concentrate on therapy for so long and so intensely. But now, those 18 weeks have gone by, and I had my last session on Thursday.
Life Update: A Happier Birthday
I can't remember what was the time I actually stopped feeling excited about my birthday. It must have happened somewhere after turning eighteen, because that was still a time when I was excitedly waiting for the day to arrive. But even then, my birthday has never been that good of a day for me – or happy, for that matter.
Life Update: Finally
This update has definitely been a long time coming. I feel like I have kind of neglected this blog and my writing recently, which is why I haven't been making Life Update posts as frequently as I should have. Because there has definitely been a lot going on in my life, both terrible things and amazing things. This time, we are talking about the amazing ones – at last.
Life Update: Fall-ing In Love
The older I'm getting, the more I find myself liking autumn. This makes it sound like I'm actually old, when I'm literally in my early twenties, but you get the point. When I was a teenager, I used to despise this season. I guess it reminded me of the school year starting too much, so the entire period of autumn got a bad name. But as I am growing and finding what it's like to have your own life as an adult, fall is becoming a time I'm more excited to experience year after year.
Life Update: Looking For A Bro
I think men are amazing. Some of the most important people in my life have been men, and only a few of my abusers have been male. It has usually been other girls and women who have hurt me the most, which is why I have this general feeling of fear and distrust around them. In my eyes, men are more trustworthy than women, so I've naturally gravitated towards them.
Life Update: Anniversary
Things have been pretty rough lately. It seems like my mind is all over the place, I can't keep it fixated on one thought for longer than a few hours, and then it drifts off somewhere I don't know. For the most part, I think a lot of this has to do with the time of the year we are heading to: the beginning of summer. There's a lot of things that happened either at the very beginning of summer or during the breaks when I was a kid. That is definitely one of the reasons summer has always been my least favorite season. That and hot weather; it makes me miserable.
Life Update: My Girl
My girlfriend from the US stayed with me in Finland for almost the entire month of April. I dropped them at the airport yesterday at the time of writing this entry. Four weeks is a long time to spend with another person, and especially when that person is so very dear to you, after such a long period letting them go becomes that much more difficult. In other words, I have been feeling sad since she left, but I guess that is to be expected. Goodbyes at the airport never get any easier.
Life Update: Getting There
This week has been very eventful, and even though I am exhausted and my body is hurting a lot, I am so relieved and excited. On Thursday, I finally moved into my new apartment. What a struggle it was, everything with my former landlord and all the money issues; a lot of things didn't go as I'd initially planned, but we managed to figure it all out and make it work eventually.