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They Should Have Just...
As a literature major, I know that meta text is very often frowned upon, and it is commonly not considered an effective way of narrating nor making an impression on the reader. Especially text about the process of creating the text is very bad and should always be avoided. It very rarely offers any important insight or serves a significant role in the context of the text, so all writers are told to stay away from it.

Selfish When Alive, Free When Dead
I haven't been doing that well recently. I don't think there's any specific reason for it, other than maybe the stress of moving and living in a new apartment completely on my own kind of got to me in a way. But nothing has happened that would've made me upset; I've just been hurting a bit more than normally. I guess it comes with the illness – ebbs and flows seemingly without reason.

There comes a point in your life when you start to wonder why bad things keep happening to you year after year. Why people keep mistreating you, hurting you, abusing you. You are desperate to find any kind of explanation for it, no matter how irrational it may be. And when literally everything about the circumstances change – the place, the time, the people – everything but you, you wonder why that may be.

" We Never Wanted You Here"
On the first day of fourth grade, I got greeted with about a dozen of girls from my class. They noticed me right away when I stepped into the doorframe. Their faces turned into looks of disgust and horror, and they all approached me as a group.

How Long Can I Take This?
At times, I wonder if anyone else in this world suddenly finds themself utterly exhausted for no apparent reason. It baffles me how people can just keep going on, day after day, doing the same old things, taking a shower, eating, going to the bathroom, going to sleep, and repeat it all the next day. Sometimes I just can't help but feel like there is no purpose for any of this. Why should I wake up, brush my teeth, wash my hair, eat my breakfast? What difference does it make? Would it even matter if I just one day decided not to do those things anymore? Just because I'm tired of it all.