The Invite
CHAPTER 11: DECEIT ichigonya CHAPTER 11: DECEIT ichigonya

The Invite

There are a lot of things my Friends did that I still find myself being confused by. Things that just simply do not make sense in the context of our persistent dynamic. Things that seemingly served no purpose – until I sit with them long enough to finally be able to see it. This has taken me multiple years to get to, but better late than never, I guess. 

But even then, I can’t help but wonder why anybody would go to such lengths for those purposes. How any of it benefited them personally is still a mystery to me. But maybe that is something I will never be able to understand, because our ways of thinking are so fundamentally different. 

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The Bait
CHAPTER 11: DECEIT ichigonya CHAPTER 11: DECEIT ichigonya

The Bait

Do you know the feeling you get when you realize that someone has completely bamboozled you? There’s a proverb in Finnish that we use for this action: “They pulled you at the nose.” I’m embarrassed to admit that I’m not familiar with the background of this saying, but maybe that would have been different if I had actually finished those damn university studies. But I didn’t, because certain bozos pulled me at the nose a bit too many times. Kind of.

It is one of the most humiliating situations you can find yourself in: you just sit there in disbelief, completely awestruck with the reality; that they really fooled you so fucking good, and you were none the wiser. The level of anguish and physical pain that I remember myself feeling at those moments in indescribable in any of the languages I know and speak. 

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With Pure (?) Intentions
CHAPTER 11: DECEIT ichigonya CHAPTER 11: DECEIT ichigonya

With Pure (?) Intentions

What does it take for you to have trust in another human being? What kind of criteria do you personally have for deeming someone as trustworthy? Or is it something you don’t even think about, something completely based on intuition? 

If you are one of those people who have been victimized by their peers, you most likely don’t go ahead trusting every single person you ever come in contact with.

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Hidden In Plain Sight
CHAPTER 11: DECEIT ichigonya CHAPTER 11: DECEIT ichigonya

Hidden In Plain Sight

Sometimes I find myself thinking about my past Friends, how hard I was trying to get close to them, how desperate I was to see the good in them, and I’m met with the sense of complete confusion: “How the fuck didn’t I see it back then?” How was it even possible for me to think that they were even one bit sincere within their attempts to lure me in, to make me trust them, fall in love with them? It was so fucking obvious that today it feels utterly impossible that there was a time when I just was not aware of it to the extend I am today. 

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CHAPTER 11: DECEIT ichigonya CHAPTER 11: DECEIT ichigonya


There have been many instances where I’ve thought to myself, “how didn’t I see that coming back then?”. It seems so obvious to me now, the signs were already there, the proof was in the pudding before I ever took a bite out of it. How the fuck was I so blind back then?

But then I remember that the only glasses I was wearing as a Kid were heart-shaped rose-colored glasses with no prescription, even when I would have already needed it. Hindsight is 20/20, and mine sure is just that right now – and I don’t think it is just because of the glasses I wear today. 

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Let’s Be Friends!
CHAPTER 11: DECEIT ichigonya CHAPTER 11: DECEIT ichigonya

Let’s Be Friends!

Do you remember how you met your very first friend? I do, even though it’s been over two decades and I was maybe three or four years old at the time. I didn’t really have friends before that, for reasons you all might already know. 

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